Annie's Version

For me to have somewhere to express my feelings and what I have been going through.

Sunday, April 30, 2006


Yesterday when we got to the barn, the ferrier was there and all the horses were getting trimmed and shod. First I went over to the adult goat's pen and started picking grass and feeding it to the goats through the fence. I couldn’t take Tinkerbelle out because she would scare the horses that were having their feet done. So, after that, to amuse myself, I started feeding grass to Oakley instead, and to his paddock friend, "Pal." Then the farm-owner Greg, and my mom talked about horses. Then my mom and I got in the car and drove to a diner for lunch. I thought it was a very cozy diner and they had games there like the "Skill Crane." The "Skill Crane" is a big metal box that is see-through. Inside it, are many cute stuffed animals. Also, there's a claw and when you put money into the machine, you can move the claw around and see if you can catch a stuffed animal. Well, it's very hard, and I haven’t gotten a prize from it in 2 years! Can you believe it?! Well, my mom gave me $2 and I put it in and GUESS WHAT! I moved the claw, I dropped it down, and I got a prize! Isn’t that cool? Then I took my prize (it was a stuffed baby cow), and I went back to the table. I had a grilled cheese sandwich and fries, and then I got ICE CREAM!!! Then we drove back to the barn and my mom groomed Oakley. The bucks (male adult goats), were walking loose around the barn so I started to play with them. One of them was tied up. I chased them and pet them; I think they're fun to play with. Then, I watched the ferrier do Oakley's hooves. THEN it was feeding time for the baby goats and horses. I took the grain buckets and fed them to the horses. Then I helped Laurie (Greg's wife), feed the baby goats with bottles! Then I got to take them out and chase them. One of them is a female and her name is Miss Kitty. The other one is a male and his name is Festus. Then I let Tinkerbelle run around a little because the ferrier was gone. Then sadly, after half an hour later, it was time to go. I put the goats away and then we got in the car and then -- OH NO! -- WE LEFT THE BARN! Then I fell asleep on the way home.

Today my parents and I are going to the Museum and then a picnic in Central Park!

PS: The picture is of me and Festus! Isn't he cute?!

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

My Daddy the Writer

This is my Daddy. He is a writer. He writes screenplays, such as my mom's, "Cold Tea." I think he's the best writer in the world because he has a creative imagination and he is smart and intelligent. Every night my Daddy and me read together in my bed. We call it "Reading Time." He is always wanting me to learn about and watch black and white films. I'm glad he makes me watch them because they're interesting and funny! My mom said that I'm probably the only kid in America who knows who Audrey Hepburn, Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers, Leslie Caron, Gene Kelly, Cary Grant, and Humphrey Bogart are.

Once my Daddy went to Switzerland to get his films published. He brought back pictures of Bernese Mountain Dogs and a big rabbit and tall mountains and cottages. Also, my parents said that the way they met and got married was that they both worked at a restaurant called "Teachers," and my dad was the head bartender and my mommy was a waitress. My parents fell in love and my dad wanted to marry my mom right away. They moved in together. Then they got married right after that, and after THAT, they had me 7 years later and we moved with our 2 French Bulldogs, Tex and Milo. Unfortunately, Tex died from a broken back and Milo died two years later from a horrible heart attack. I was only 3 at the time, and I had never met Tex, (I was in my mom's stomach when he died), but fortunately I met Milo but I only knew him for 3 years. What does this have to do with my dad you might ask? I don’t know!

Tink Fights Back!!!

If you were wondering, that is my goat, Tinkerbelle. She lives at the barn. She has many friends such as other goats and cats. You wouldn't believe how much Tinkerbelle LOOOOOOVVVEEES cats!!! She is always chasing them, trying to make new friends. I always think that she has a greeeeeeeaaat talent for making friends. But the friends she wants to make are the exact opposite! Like once, Greg (the owner of the barn), brought out an adult female that Tinkerbelle wanted to play with but they ended up playing together on their hind legs, bucking and shoving each other. It was cute but I was afraid that it was much too violent for a young 8-year-old to watch, it was like those wrestling matches on TV. But no one got hurt and that's good.

I love Tinkerbelle because she has a wonderful personality and is always cute to watch. If you would like to know more about the barn, there are pictures and info about it for you to read.



Fit For a Dog

Have you ever heard the saying, "Fit For A King?" Well apparently, this guy doesn’t know that that sentence is just a saying because he thinks he really is a king!

The Best Mom Ever

My Mama is the best Mom ever because she always gives me good advice, even if at first it doesn't work. Her ideas are creative and good. My most favorite thing to do with her is to go to fun places together and to cuddle in bed together. When we go to the barn, I feel very thankful that I'm there and that I have my goat because without my mom, I wouldn't have anything that I have now. My mom is great at her job. And I think that she is the best editor ever. If you ever get the chance, you should watch her latest film, "Cold Tea." with Julie Fitzpatrick and David Nelson. I always say to my mom that I can’t wait until I'm older so we can go to the China Club at 12:00 am and get drunk. But I have to wait a while cause I'm only 8 1/2, and you have to be 21 and older to go to the China Club. That bums me out. But I'm kind of glad that I don't drink whisky yet, because once I tried a sip of beer, and I had to spit it up in a napkin. It was grooooooooosssssss!!!!!! You all out there should be very grateful for my mom because if I didn’t have her you wouldn’t be reading this blog right now. She is the one who inspired me to do this thingy!!!


Annie Kosh

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Me, Me, Me

Hello, my name is Annie. I am 8-years-old and you might know me from my mom Katie's blog. I am writing my blog because all the time when I watch my mom do her blog, I feel envy because I would like a place to write my feelings and what I like to do! In this blog, you will see pictures of my friends, family, pets and more.

SadIy, I will not be writing everyday on my wonderful blog for I am very busy. But I hope you enjoy what you do read. Love, Annie
PS: This is a picture of me on my roof.


This is me and one of my best friend's Daniella. Me and my other friend call her Dani. This is a picture taken by my mom at my 8th birthday party. It was a sleepover. I like Daniella because she is nice and she is never boring. She is an interesting girl and I'm glad that she's my friend. The way that we met was, I was new at her school, and I was at recess about to get a jump rope. I met her there near the jump ropes and she asked me to play with her. At first I felt shy because I was new, but when I started to play with her, I realized that the school wasn't so scary if you have a friend there.


This is me and my horse Kiss. Sadly, my mother sold him last year because he was a show horse and was happier when he was showing. We sold him because we wanted a more suitable trail-riding buddy. Even though I like to enter shows with horses and ponies, I was not yet experienced enough for Kiss. We sold him to a teenager named Jessie who boarded her horse at the stable we used to be at. Soon we found out that she was actually more suitable for him and we thought we might as well sell him to her because she was a nice, loving girl who really loved him. We thought that would be the best home for him.

I really miss Kiss even though we got another horse, but I don't feel as sad anymore because of two reasons. First I don’t feel sad because I now have a baby goat to cheer me up about the sadness in life. I am also not sad anymore because I know that Kiss is happier with Jessie and that we made the right decision.

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