This is me and my horse Kiss. Sadly, my mother sold him last year because he was a show horse and was happier when he was showing. We sold him because we wanted a more suitable trail-riding buddy. Even though I like to enter shows with horses and ponies, I was not yet experienced enough for Kiss. We sold him to a teenager named Jessie who boarded her horse at the stable we used to be at. Soon we found out that she was actually more suitable for him and we thought we might as well sell him to her because she was a nice, loving girl who really loved him. We thought that would be the best home for him.
I really miss Kiss even though we got another horse, but I don't feel as sad anymore because of two reasons. First I don’t feel sad because I now have a baby goat to cheer me up about the sadness in life. I am also not sad anymore because I know that Kiss is happier with Jessie and that we made the right decision.
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