Annie's Version

For me to have somewhere to express my feelings and what I have been going through.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

How I Got A Scar On My Left Hand

One day I was having a riding lesson at a farm called Pee Wee. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a huge plastic bag flew in front of the horse and scared him. I fell off and the horse wanted to get away from me so he wouldn't hurt me, but by mistake his hoof came down on my left hand. I had to go to the emergency room. I don't even like to think about it. Anyway, the weird thing was, when I was having my lesson, my mom was cleaning out a horse stall and suddenly she had a vision of me, falling off the horse. She decided to check on me, even though she was sure I was okay. But then, our friend Jim, came running up on his horse, yelling that I had fallen off and hurt my hand.

Above you can see what my hand looks like now.

What I Love

I Love:


My goat

My family

Yummy food

Cute clothes


My blog

My friends

My horse

My teacher


Horseback riding



Arizona, Here I Come!

I guess about a week ago Sedona Arizona Film Festivals called us to tell us that they loved "Cold Tea," and that we were excepted into the festival!!!!! So, Feb.28-March 4th, we (my mom, dad, my grandma and I) are going to Sedona Arizona where we will go to parties, swim in the hotel's pool, have an award's brunch, and best of all... WATCH "COLD TEA" ON THE BIG SCREEN!!!!!!!!!! I'm soooooooooo excited!!!

Thursday, January 11, 2007


Absolutely perfect
Nine years old
Ick is a word that describes boys!
Milk chocolate=YUMMY!!!
Loves her friends (and her goat!)

Testing, testing, 1,2,3

Today, yesterday, and the day before yesterday my class and I had the ELA (English Language Arts) test. I really can't tell you how easy it was, but still I was pretty nervous the first day of the test! On Tuesday we had multiple choice, Wednesday we listened to our teacher read a story, then we answered questions about it, and today we did extended something-or-other.

Tuesday afternoon as we were walking down the street, my mom asked me how the first part of the test went. I said, "It was like a breeze going past my face."

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