Annie's Version

For me to have somewhere to express my feelings and what I have been going through.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Testing, testing, 1,2,3

Today, yesterday, and the day before yesterday my class and I had the ELA (English Language Arts) test. I really can't tell you how easy it was, but still I was pretty nervous the first day of the test! On Tuesday we had multiple choice, Wednesday we listened to our teacher read a story, then we answered questions about it, and today we did extended something-or-other.

Tuesday afternoon as we were walking down the street, my mom asked me how the first part of the test went. I said, "It was like a breeze going past my face."


At 1/11/2007, Blogger Reverend Shawn said...

Multiple choice?? I hated those kind of tests ... I had a teacher once who made ALL the answers on a 100 question multiple choice test 'B' ... after the first ten you started to freak out ... NO one passed it, because no one could believe ALL the answers were B - we threw in too many different answers ...

I like the comment about the breeze though - you're a brilliant girl. Keep it up ...

At 4/01/2007, Blogger Annielk said...

I can't believe you hated the multiple choice- I love them because they narrow down the answers!


At 10/29/2007, Blogger Molly GQM said...

I am there with you. I hate TESTS!!!!!!


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