Giselle interview
This is an interview of my friend Giselle.
Who is your favorite singer or band?
My favorite singer is Beyonce, because she has great talents and
I love her songs.
What is your fav. subject in school?
My fav. subject is literacy, because I love to read a book but I do not like to write about them.
What do you do when you get home from school?
I watch T.V and then I do my stuuuuupid homeworrrrkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What do you want to be when you grow up?
I am starting to think about being a singer,dancer,or a chef because I luv to eat and cook.
If you become a singer, what kind of singer? (rockstar, popstar, jazz, etc.)
If I become a singer I will probably be a popstar, because I luv to sing music that you can actually dance to and music that actually has rythym!
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