Annie's Version

For me to have somewhere to express my feelings and what I have been going through.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Urban Haikus by me

In case you didn't know, haikus are these poems that have a pattern... there are three lines- the first one has to have five syllables, then the second line has seven, and the third line has five again. They can never be sentences. Here are some haikus by me.


Big dogs barking loud
Pizza smells make mouths water
People are laughing.

"Winter in the city"

Freezing cold weather
Snowflakes falling very fast
Thick, cold, white blanket.


At 4/01/2007, Blogger Katie Bowen said...

You are so talented Annie. I love how you capture the mood of the city in so few words. Sometimes I just can’t believe how lucky I am to be your mom.

At 4/02/2007, Blogger Dina said...

Unbelievable how talented you are!!! With both parents being incrediably talented...your BORN with marvelous GENES!!

At 4/02/2007, Blogger Annielk said...

Thank you Dina!

I learned how to make haikus in school. First we learned how to do Japanese haikus. The difference between Japanese haikus and Urban haikus is that Japanese haikus are always about nature, and Urban haikus are always about where you live. I think that's really cool.



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