Annie's Version

For me to have somewhere to express my feelings and what I have been going through.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Honey's here!

Hey guys! Guess what?! My baby is finally here! Right now she's just lying in her bed, playing with her toys. I think my dog is like the smartest dog ever! I have only had her for two days, but she seriously already knows to pee on the paper instead of the rug, and she knows how to sit and come when you call her! Later I'm going to take Honey across the hall to my friend Molly's house and we are going to stay there for a long time and have a late night. See ya!

Saturday, February 09, 2008


Today I found out that Honey is 1.4 pounds. So tiny! Today me and my mom are going to Petco to go shopping for Honey. Petco also sells pets, and my mom calls it "Buy and Die," because in the past when we bought two fish and a hermit crab, they both died right away. Good thing the supplies aren't alive!

Friday, February 08, 2008

Happy birthday Dad!

A special Happy Bday to the best dad a girl could ever have! Mine.

My Valentine's day present

My puppy is coming three days earlier, on Feb 14th, Valentine's day.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

More pics of Honey

Hey guys, sorry I haven't blogged in a while. These are some more pictures of my new puppy Honey, and Angel, the puppy I was going to get before Honey. (Honey is the yellow one, and Angel is the black one).

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